Saturday, November 17, 2007

But That Doesn't Give Us Much Time

The news we have been waiting for has arrived. We have our appointment date - December 7! (Check out the countdown at the bottom of this blog.) We have been ready for this for a long time, but when it finally arrives, we discover that there are a lot of things we still need to get done around the house even if "WE" are ready. We leave Omaha at 10:55 am on Tuesday December 4 and fly to Chicago-two hour layover, Frankfurt, Germany-four hour layover, and arrive in Kiev at 1:05 pm on Wednesday December 5. (Remember the eight hour time difference.) Yes, this is a day earlier than we have to be there, but we want to allow for travel delays, recovery from jet lag, etc. and have an opportunity to see some of Kiev. Now it is time to really get serious about what we plan to take with us. Make sure we don't miss anything. Get the phone and plug adapters from Jeri and Charles, make sure the camera, batteries, charger, memory cards, etc. are packed. Christmas presents for the kids, both in the US and Ukraine need to be taken or taken care of. Oh yes, we better pack the clothes - nice warm winter clothes. Well we better post this and get back to getting ready. I guess a few 30 hour days might do it.


Tami said...

YEA!!! You have a date! And you are only a couple of days behind us!! We fly out of Kansas City on Dec. 2 and arrive the 3rd. Our SDA appointment is on the 5th! It would be great to meet up with you while we're there. (It's kind of funny that we would travel half way around the world to meet when we only live a few hours apart! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm very very happy that you have a date. I want to see Masha so much. I very miss her, she my best friend. I can't wait to see her and all your family.

If you'll call her say big hello from me please. I miss her.

Debora Hoffmann said...

Hooray! You are flying out on our eight-year anniversary. :-) We'll be praying for you. I'm so excited!