At our church, we talk about the crossroads. A crossroads is a place in life when God presents you with a situation that requires a choice. You can choose to continue life as it has been (sometimes known as being in a rut) or you can choose to make a change, which could potentially change your life in a profound way. It can also be explained as choosing to live your Christian life via the tourist route or via the adventure route.
That Sunday in September 2006 was definitely a crossroads point in our lives. We both felt the call to make a change and move toward the adoption of teenagers from Ukraine. With our children grown, and at an age when many people are retiring or at least thinking about retiring, we chose to get out of the rut and embark on the adventure route of international adoption.
People have asked us why we decided to adopt teenagers and not young children. Steve's first response was "I don't want to be 80 years old when they get to college." Our age was a consideration, but we also enjoyed the years when our three children were teenagers. There was only 3 1/2 years spread in their ages, so they were all in high school together for one year and all in college at the same time. I guess we thought that if we survived it once, we could again.
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